CBD oil can treat glaucoma but how?

CBD oil


High intraocular pressure and visual nerve damage are symptoms of glaucoma. Open-angle glaucoma, the most prevalent kind, is a chronic, progressive condition that can be challenging to control. Many individuals are intrigued by the idea that CBD oil can treat this eye problem as medicinal marijuana becomes more widely accepted. The effectiveness of CBD as a treatment for glaucoma is examined in this article, along with its advantages and disadvantages.

A substance obtained from the cannabis plant is cannabidiol (CBD). Unlike to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), it doesn’t make you feel high.  There are numerous potential therapeutic applications for CBD, although research is still in progress.

Is it possible to treat glaucoma with CBD?

One of the most prevalent eye diseases in the US is glaucoma. Usually, excessive intraocular pressure, often known as eye pressure, is the culprit (IOP). This can harm eye tissue over time and result in vision loss.

Most modern glaucoma treatments concentrate on reducing IOP to prevent vision loss. Because CBD and THC oil India has negative effects on ocular pressure, the American Academy of Ophthalmology advises against using it to treat glaucoma. Several studies conducted over the years have supported this position, including the following:

It’s unclear how CBD and THC oil India  will affect eye pressure. Two studies concluded that CBD increased IOP, three studies found that it decreased IOP, and four studies found that it had no effect on IOP. The majority of the investigations used animals.

This supported a 2019 review that also noted some ambiguous findings. Without additional study, the authors came to the conclusion that CBD increases the risk of glaucoma patients’ ocular pressure.

A 2018 study’s authors also speculated that CBD would counteract THC’s benefits on lowering IOP. As a result, cannabis products with high CBD content may not be as effective in treating glaucoma.

Products with a high THC content and low CBD content may be more effective for glaucoma if you’re using cannabis to treat the symptoms of glaucoma. THC has been proven to help decrease ocular pressureTrusted Source. You can recognise such items by visiting a cannabis dispensary with a state licence.

What negative affects does CBD have on the eyes have?

Although CBD has been associated with a number of health advantages, there is a chance of negative effects, so it may not be ideal for everyone.

According to the study stated in the preceding section, elevated ocular pressure may be one of the negative effects of CBD. This might make glaucoma patients’ eyesight loss worse.

Dryness is another CBD adverse effect that affects the eyes.

Will CBD make glaucoma symptoms worse?

There are no research looking into the long-term effects of CBD consumption in glaucoma sufferers. Yet given what we know about CBD and eye pressure, it’s feasible that over time, glaucoma symptoms could get worse from CBD. The relationship between CBD and ocular pressure has to be further studied. It’s too early to say whether it will affect your eye pressure positively, negatively, or not at all. A 2018 study found that if CBD increases ocular pressure, it might do so through inhibiting the CB1 cannabinoid receptor in the brain. The researchers demonstrated that CBD increased ocular pressure in animals in the wild but decreased it in mice lacking CB1 receptors.

Make sure to talk to a doctor or healthcare provider about your usage of cannabis or CBD if you have glaucoma and do it frequently. The best advice regarding whether it’s having any impact on your eyes will come from them.

Also, they discovered that CBD had no impact on eye pressure in animals lacking CB1 receptors who had been administered a medication to disrupt G protein-coupled receptor 18. (GPR18). GPR18 participates in the signalling of cannabinoids.

These findings imply that CBD maintains ocular pressure by acting on several receptors.

The authors also noted that male mice were more likely to experience a decrease in eye pressure after ingesting THC and that the effects of cannabis on ocular pressure varied depending on the sex of the mice. Yet, CBD appeared to have similar effects on both male and female mice.

What cannabinoids have been shown to be effective against glaucoma?

There is evidence that Cannabis lowers ocular pressure. Yet, that does not imply that it is an effective glaucoma treatment.

Just 7.6% of the 290 glaucoma experts polled in 2020 said they had prescribed cannabis as a glaucoma treatment. The great majority claimed that they had only seldom advocated it.

The use of cannabis products to treat glaucoma has a number of drawbacks. First off, the daily dose of THC needed to cure glaucoma properly would have a significant negative influence on a person’s capacity to operate. It may also provide a risk for long-term health impacts depending on the manner of administration (smoking vs. eating).

Comparing THC to other glaucoma medications, there isn’t enough evidence on its safety and efficacy. The majority of experts do not advise using cannabis-related products to treat glaucoma.


The eye ailment glaucoma is frequently associated with elevated intraocular pressure. Mixed results have been found in the research on how CBD affects ocular pressure. It is not safe to use CBD as a glaucoma medication until more is understood about how it affects ocular pressure.

Despite the fact that THC has been demonstrated to lower eye pressure, it is not the best treatment for glaucoma due to its short-lived benefits, potential need for large THC doses, and additional side effects like intoxication. To discover more about glaucoma treatments and complementary therapies, speak with a doctor before you buy thc oil online.

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