Why Do Students Plagiarize Their Solutions?



When you are working on assignments or academic projects, you must adhere to the guidelines strictly. Students often face issues due to plagiarism in the answers. First, we need to understand what plagiarism is.

What Is Plagiarism?

Presenting other’s work or ideas as your own or using someone else’s opinion in your work without giving them credit is called plagiarism. It is also considered as cheating or stealing other’s ideas.

Types of plagiarism:

  1. Complete plagiarism
  2. Source-based plagiarism
  3. Direct plagiarism
  4. Self or auto-plagiarism
  5. Paraphrasing plagiarism
  6. Inaccurate authorship
  7. Mosaic plagiarism
  8. Accidental plagiarism

Let us now discuss the reasons that push the students to plagiarize their solutions. 

Top Reasons to Why the Students Plagiarize Their Solutions!!!


  • Students who face high-pressure situations due to work overload can deliberately plagiarize. They use different techniques to reduce the risk of getting caught. When students recently started working on assignments and are unaware of the consequences of duplicate content in the answer, they commit such mistakes.
  • The reason for panic could be either a close deadline or the complexity of the work assigned. Students who just stepped from elementary to higher education struggle to deal with the complexity of the subjects.
  • The professors need to highlight the mistakes and warn them not to repeat such mistakes. Plagiarism can question the abilities and dedication of the students on studies. 


  • Students remain unsure about their abilities to draft the perfect solution. This situation occurs when they are assigned unfamiliar topics that require extensive research. Researching is a time-consuming process, and students hardly possess the relevant researching skills.
  • Students use the ideas of other authors in their solutions without acknowledging them. Those who do not believe in themselves stole other’s ideas to answer the assignment questions.
  • Students have to believe in themselves and build confidence while writing the assignments. Yes, academic writing is critical, and hence you have to validate your statements with established theories or evidence.  


  • Planning plays a vital role in carrying out the academic writing task smoothly. It is significant to know how to approach to answer a specific question. Planning saves time and reduces effort. Unknown structure or inappropriate strategies can delay the task.
  • When they run out of time, they end up copying or cheating from other websites. It is advisable to start your work early. You will have plenty of time to spend on research. Choosing unethical ways to finish the assignment on time is what most of the students do.
  • Students find cut, copy, and paste from other sources is much easier than putting effort into researching, writing, and reviewing the document.  


  • Assignments are always supposed to be submitted within a limited time. Students have to meet the deadline in order not to face bitter consequences or penalties. Late submissions can directly affect the grades.
  • Due to the habit of delaying the tasks or lenient attitude towards the work, the student left with little time to finish the job.
  • It pushes them to steal other’s ideas to write the answers. However, it is recommended that students should focus more on studies and assignments.  


  • The primary purpose of assignments is to evaluate an individual’s skills and abilities on various scales. It is natural to worry about the grades if students are not confident about their writing skills.
  • Professors also check the knowledge of students on a particular topic or subject through assignments. It compels them to leave honesty and copy the information from other sources.
  • Practice will help you touch the perfection level. Running away from the tasks is not a solution. You need to build concentration and dedicate more time to your assignments instead of cheating.  


  • If students are not interested in writing assignments or dislike a particular subject, they may use unethical ways to finish the tasks without devoting time. If students find a job boring, they refuse to do that.
  • It is mainly seen that students seek Assignment Help in the subjects that seem monotonous for them. When the complexity of the question is too high, it might divert the student’s mind, and they lose interest in doing the task. A student might plagiarize in order to meet the deadlines.
  • The regular practice could help the students deal with difficult questions efficiently. Leaving the task is not a solution.  


  • In order to write the solutions perfectly, the students must possess the relevant skills. If the student does not have the required writing, critical thinking, time management, researching, and editing skills, they might have difficulty composing the ideal solutions.
  • They might face difficulty in coping with the language as English is not their native language. Fear of mistakes as they do not have a strong vocabulary, grammar, and analytical skills is quite natural.
  • No one can develop the skills overnight. You have to put effort for a prolonged period to gain such skills. Running away from problems is not recommendable.


  • You cannot overlook the citations as far as academic writing is concerned. Students might be unaware of the significance of sources.
  • They may forget to add all the references at the end of the assignment solutions. It results in the detection of plagiarism in the solution.
  • Students have to follow the guidelines properly to rule out the possibility of errors. Citations help win over the problem of plagiarism in academic writing.  

Final Words:

Plagiarism is a common problem faced by students. It is essential to find out various ways to overcome the issue while writing the solutions. Do not overlook the barriers coming in the way of your assignment writing tasks. Are you looking for genuine Assignment Writing Services? We have highly skilled professionals who can deliver the perfect assignment help solutions as per your instructions. Secure the best grades and open multiple career opportunities.

About Author:

Jake Thomson is a contributing writer to MyAssignmentHelpAu. He is a podcaster, style coach and has been a blogger and a professional blogger writing about educational skills, personal development and motivation since 2010. He has her own blogging website and well-established blog.

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