What Is Public Procurement Portal?

public procurement portal


Public procurement helps a country in becoming a developed country from a developing country as public procurement helps the government of a country to take the help of the private sector in completing the development goals for a country. For a country to become a developed country, both the private sector, as well as the public sector, must go hand in hand for the development of a country.

There are different ways by which government can buy goods and services from the private sector but, e-Procurement is the best method because there is a variety of advantages associated with it.  By introducing a public procurement portal, a government can enjoy great comfort.


The main advantage of the public procurement portal is that one can see all the tenders at the same time and at the same place that will help them to compare the tenders of all the interested parties that will eventually help the individuals in buying the quality of goods and services from the right place.

The public procurement portal also helps the government by saving money as well as saving energy and time of the government Many a time when the government pays the amount before the due time, then some time government may get some discounts moreover a public procurement portal also offers some exciting prices and discounts which government can enjoy only when it uses public procurement portal.

Moreover, many parties want to advertise the goods and services which they want to sell the best method to do advertise was the newspaper but, now in case of e-procurement, there is no need to do the advertising, in the newspaper one can see the goods and services at the portal itself, therefore, portals help indirectly in saving money as well as in saving the papers.

Security Measures In E-Procurement Portals

When a thing shifts in an online mode, the major concerns occur in terms of safety. Since the e-procurement portal includes the money transaction, therefore some safety measures are needed that are up to date.

Some, safety measures are like only those documents can be uploaded on the portal which includes authentication digital signature certificate, and role-based user access, and many more. By taking the account all the safety measures, one will be able to make an e-Procurement portal that is safe and secure. So, that everyone can access the portal without having any fear about the security measures in the portal.

Final words

By introducing, a public procurement portal government has made the procedure easier and Secure. It is necessary to look into the safety measures of the public procurement portal since it includes some confidential matters as well if an individual does not feel secure with the portal, then he will not bid openly therefore while introducing the public procurement portal government must look into the security of the system of the portal so that everyone feels safe and secure while using the portal for public e-procurement. By introducing the e-procurement government has taken a step to develop the country.

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