What are the very basic things which the people should know about the man in the middle attacks?



Man in the middle attack is the attack in which the person himself or herself between two users to overhear their conversation or interrupt the transfer of data. This is considered to be one of the most common types of cyberattacks in which the attacker will be intercepting the communication and will be messaging the exchanges between two bodies by literally inserting themselves as a silent observer. Every time the user will interact with the website the session ID will be easily created and with the help of this particular system, they will be able to manipulate the content very easily and will always have the intention of stealing the login credentials, financial data on the personal information.

 How do these kinds of things happen?

MiTM attack will always follow a very straightforward approach in which the attacker will be a pain in the access to the conversation and will be starting to interrupt the whole process. After this, the attacker will be becoming the man in the middle of intercepting the messages where they will be shared between two bodies or alter the messages to be in the control in the whole process. These are of two types:

  • Network traffic interception: This will be the case in which free WiFi will be easily available and somebody will be connecting to it and then steal the data into the background very easily.
  • Mobile app network security: This will come from the well-known debate between HTTPS and HTTP. This is considered to be very much common in which the application should be using the things and further it becomes very much surprised to know that developers will be configuring the things correctly through different kinds of security loopholes.

Following are some of the very basic types of MITM attacks:

  1. Email hijacking: Under this particular system the attacker will be getting the access to victim’s email address to gain access to communication between the target institution.
  2. Session hijacking: This will be the case in which they will be indulging in cross-site scripting attacks or by stealing the session browser cookies and further the user will be login into their bank account in the attack and will be watching the whole process.
  3. Wi-Fi eavesdropping: this is the case in which legitimate something Wi-Fi connection names have been sat down with any kind of public password and the users will always believe to connect to this particular network by the motive of simply browsing the network at no additional cost.
  4. IP spoofing: This particular track will alter the packet headers into the IP address and will ensure that the estimated e-commerce website will be there so that transactions can be perfectly initiated and funds are transferred to some of the other accounts perfectly.

 Hence, being clear about all the above-mentioned points associated with the MiTM attack is vital for organisations to become successful in the long run.

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