CBD oil can treat glaucoma but how?
573 ViewsHigh intraocular pressure and visual nerve damage are symptoms of glaucoma. Open-angle glaucoma, the most prevalent kind, is a chronic, progressive condition that can be challenging to control. Many individuals are intrigued by the idea that CBD oil can treat this eye problem as medicinal marijuana becomes more widely Continue Reading
Cannabis Studies and the Epidemiology Problem
646 ViewsCannabis has been anathema for so long that pro-cannabis advocates feel the need to push the plant at every opportunity. This sometimes leads to individuals seizing on marginal studies as evidence of cannabis being the greatest things since sliced bread. We need to be incredibly careful, particularly since many Continue Reading
How Can You Pick The Best Cbd Strength?
2,135 ViewsMaking the decision to utilize CBD oil as a natural medicine is one thing; determining what brand to use, which CBD oil strength or concentrations to use, as well as how much CBD to probably take is quite another entirely. Making a decision on which product is ideal for Continue Reading
Determine Cannabis Quality: A Guide to Buying Cannabis
652 ViewsCannabis is a treasure trove of therapeutic compounds, but the right strain can make all the difference. If you are new to cannabis or looking for a change, it’s important to know how to identify quality cannabis and what to look for when buying it. Here are some tips Continue Reading