A Right Design Platform – How to Choose

web design services


Website design platforms are a great way to build web pages without web design knowledge. Many web hosting companies offer web design platforms to provide their customers with more options.

However, when it comes down to deciding which platform is best for your business; there are some things you should take into account before making a decision. The following article will discuss website design platforms and what they are, and the benefits and drawbacks of using them when building your website.

What is a website design platform?

A website design platform is web-based software that provides web hosting companies with everything they need to build web pages. These platforms are usually designed for non-technical users, although not all provide the same features.

For example, some web design platform tools allow you to create a website using different templates or pre-made layouts. In contrast, others give webmasters more control over their designs and functionality by allowing them to customize even the most minor details on each page.

Benefits of building a website using such a platform

One benefit is flexibility in terms of template options. There are hundreds if not thousands available depending on what kind of company you have and your target audience’s preferences regarding online aesthetics. Another advantage is time savings since most web development experts recommend dividing the web design process into stages. Webmasters may not have the time to create a website from scratch.

Drawbacks of building a website using such a platform

One drawback is that webmasters are limited in customizing their websites, which means they cannot make it look exactly like their vision or brand style. Another issue is the price since some platforms charge web admins monthly even if they use only one template out of hundreds available on the market today.

Types of platforms for your website design, their benefits, and drawbacks

  • Website Builders

These tools allow you to build everything online without downloading anything on your computer; however, more often than not, web development experts recommend professional web designers who specialize in this topic rather than DIY webmasters.

Drawbacks of building a website using such a platform

  • Low-quality web design templates and limited functionality since these tools are for absolute novices
  • High subscription costs if you want to purchase more web development functionalities, like adding eCommerce or blog options

Content Management Systems for Your Small Business Website

Content management systems (CMS) give webmasters complete control over all aspects of their website’s content, including the ability to edit text, images, and videos and create new pages. While some platforms make web designers feel overwhelmed due to lack of simplicity, others provide only basic features, which leave much room for customizing your website enough so it can stand out from its competitors online.

  • Ecommerce Platforms

Ecommerce web development platforms help users build online stores, purchase carts, or marketplaces. They are effective for webmasters who would like to sell their products online and manage web content for an ecommerce website.

The drawbacks of eCommerce web development platforms include:

  • limited flexibility for web designers, which can lead to lack of creativity and design appeal;
  • the necessity to use third-party apps to add SEO, shipping support, or taxes.
  • HTML Templates as a Website Builder

To make it easier for webmasters to create the website of their dreams without knowing how HTML works, many companies these days offer pre-built web design templates that you can use at no extra cost (there are even some free ones out there). You will need web hosting with an FTP program to upload your content and images onto this site template that is completed by adding unique text descriptions and links about your business.

Factors to consider when choosing a platform

There are several things one should consider before deciding on what type of web design platform to use. Fortunately, most web design platforms have similar features found in other kinds of website building tools.

  • Ease of Use

The first and most important factor when considering web design platforms is how easy it will be to use the platform for your website.

  • Responsibility for website support and maintenance

Do you want a web template that allows you complete control over the website updates and maintenance or does not require much work on your end? Some web templates offer the responsibility of maintaining updates while others do not.

  • Responsive Options

A web design platform should have responsive options. This means the web template will automatically resize to fit different screen sizes for mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.

  • Customization Options

Web templates come in various designs, with some being more customizable than others. Also, consider what features are available when customizing any given web template before choosing one with customization options that suit your needs best.

  • Affordability/Price Point

To create a professional-looking site without spending too much money, try looking into affordable web design platforms.

  • Trial or Free Package

In addition, web design platforms with a free trial or package for new users are another way to go if you’re unsure about committing to a web template with a higher price point.

  • Good Customer Support

Web design platforms come with their own set of support pages, where you can find tutorials and webinars on how to use the platform. However, suppose you run into issues that are not covered by these resources or require time-sensitive assistance. In that case, it is always better to choose a web design platform that offers good customer support via email or phone.

  • SEO Features

Another web design platform must-have is SEO features. The web design platform you choose should be able to integrate with one of your site’s current web hosting platforms, like Shopify or Magento Commerce (if that’s where your ecommerce store resides). That way, if the website builder has built-in SEO capabilities, it can automatically optimize everything for search engine ranking success.

  • Design Templates and Functionality

Some web templates are basic, while others offer more advanced features that may be helpful in your business’s website development or online marketing strategy. These include chatbots, forums, analytics tools, social media integration, etc.

  • Apps and Integrations

Some web design platforms offer apps or integrations so you can add more functionality to your site. For example, suppose your platform provides an app store where you can download widgets for specific functions like adding a live chat feature on your website that’s integrated into the page itself (meaning it doesn’t just open in its window). In that case, that may be something to consider when choosing which web builder is right for you and your business.


Choosing the right website design platform for your business is a difficult decision. But, don’t worry! Our team of experts is here to make it easy for you. We will walk you through all aspects of choosing the best web design company to help drive more sales and increase customer loyalty. If you want expert advice about how to choose an internet marketing agency or what type of site design would be perfect for your product line, you can search online for “web design company near me” or “web design services near me”. Alternatively, you can contact us at Janszen Media today

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