Indeed, there are many methods to learn English and you may not be able to find your way around.

In this article, I show you what are the 3 best methods to learn English that you can use right now

How to learn English easily thanks to the series .

What are the best software and apps to improve yourself in English .

The way to progress thanks to podcasts and videos .

Bonus: use MOOCs to learn English for free .

Bonus: how to learn English quickly through immersion .

(click on the link to go to the section that interests you)

Learn English by Watching TV Shows

learn english with series

I told you over and over again (and over and over again), learning English with series is really effective !

You will progress quickly while having fun. (The series have helped me a lot to learn English, I still watch one episode a day)

Why learn English with series?

There are multiple reasons why you should study English while watching your favorite episodes of The Big Bang Theory (randomly chosen):

First of all , you indulge yourself when you watch a series, it’s time to take a break. You will assimilate English quite naturally without making a lot of effort!

Then , by watching a series, you listen to everyday English. You will thus learn to speak like a real American / Englishman by learning common expressions and vocabulary.

Finally , when you watch an episode, you are listening to the English language. Your ear will therefore begin to distinguish the sounds of English and you will make fewer pronunciation errors. This is very important, because the English language is a language that is not pronounced as it is written!

How to learn English while watching series?

To learn English with series…. You have to have a series to watch… I admit it makes sense! Here you will find the 30 best series for learning English .

oral comprehension

To do this, you can go to a media library / library, you can rent them or buy them (or ask your entourage if they have a particular series).

Once this is done, you will have to start watching the episodes. Here is how I did it:

The first 2 weeks, I advise you to watch the episodes with the sound in English and the subtitles in French. You will learn a lot of vocabulary and your ear will start to get used to the sounds of the English language. Focus mainly on the voice of the actors to get your ear used to it.

Then, for about 3 weeks, you will watch your favorite series with sound AND English subtitles. You will make a lot of progress because you will be in a 100% English atmosphere. You will not understand everything and this is normal. When you learn a language, it’s impossible to know all the vocabulary at once. We are all used to wanting things to be perfect, but to learn a language it is completely normal to make mistakes (mistakes will help you a lot to evolve).

Finally, you will no longer use the subtitles. This is a very important phase, because you will have to evolve to understand what the actors are saying and it will be done with the help of… your ears! You will better and better distinguish words and learn their pronunciation at the same time.

Before you start watching series, you should still learn some vocabulary. It will help you understand the general meaning of sentences.

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