How to choose the best stroller

3 in 1 stroller


The birth of a child is a moment of joy for the whole family. As a parent, it is normal to want to give your child the best conditions for a healthy start in life, which is why you start to document yourself before birth about what your baby needs.

One of the most important things you will buy is a cart that will help you move wherever you need with your little one. Unlike, for example, clothes, which will remain small for the baby in a very short time, the stroller will be used for a long time, so you need to document yourself well enough before choosing it, to make sure you invest in a sustainable and useful model.

good quality stroller will considerably improve your outings with the little one, it will make him feel relaxed and safe, a state that will affect you as well. Keep in mind that in the first years of life the little one will spend most of the time in the stroller and crib, it is recommended that these two items are not chosen at random.

How to choose the best baby stroller

If you have already searched the Internet for a stroller, you have probably noticed that there are many models in online stores, which are more and more attractive and promising, so it is natural to ask yourself which one to buy. How do you choose the best stroller? If you want to choose a good quality stroller that meets your needs, we suggest you follow carefully the guide below where we have highlighted the main aspects that you must take into account.

Safety – priority criterion in choosing the stroller

We start by talking about safety because you will realize that it will be your priority in absolutely any decision you make about the child. The best stroller is a safe stroller, so you will need to check the model of stroller you want to see if it meets the required safety standards and if it is tested.

The safety materializes in the following aspects: the stroller must be solid, there must be no risk of overturning regardless of the way the child would move in it. Also important is the brake lock system, which must be quick and easy to use, whether it is on wheels or on the bar between them.

Also, to be safe, the stroller must have 5-point seat belts to prevent the child from slipping. Many strollers are equipped with three-point seat belts, but it would be best to opt for a model with a five-point belt, which you can turn into a three-point when necessary. The five-point belt supports the baby above the shoulders, at the waist, and between the legs, the little one being thus protected no matter what happens. Usually, the belts are adjustable so that you can fasten them so that the child is comfortable.

Also, the way the belt is fastened should not be chosen accidentally. We all know how smart the little ones can be, so it’s good to choose a model that doesn’t close/open very easily, to avoid being manipulated by the child. You must also check that the cart model you choose does not have corners or other very sharp parts where the little ones can hit or scratch.

Trolley type – criterion to be taken into account depending on needs

What type of stroller to choose? Depending on your needs and preferences, you can choose between a sports stroller, 3 in 1, or a standard one.

  • the stroller for children   – it is noted by the fact that it is very easy to handle, small, flexible, and does not have a very heavyweight. It is designed for those who want to take it everywhere, usually having a small size when folded. Although there are models that are suitable from birth, most sports strollers are suitable for children older than 6 months, with a slightly tilted sleeping position relative to the horizontal plane;
  • the 3-in-1 stroller for children – is, as the name suggests, much more complex, consisting of the pram, shell, and sports parts. Basically, this model offers you a complete transport solution from birth to the age of three. You will use the land very much in the first months, the shell is useful for transport in the car (no matter which model of stroller you opt for, you need the shell anyway). The sports part is perfect from the moment the child starts to sit on the bottom. A 3 in 1 stroller is much more voluminous compared to a sports or a standard one.
  • the standard stroller for children – is designed rather for short walks, often lacking accessories. This type of stroller is not very robust, which is why the shocks caused by the terrain are not very well attenuated, but it is a variant to consider for short walks in the park, for example.

Trolley weight – a criterion that facilitates maneuverability

Even if you live in a house or a block of flats and have an elevator, you should not neglect this aspect. More than likely in the walks with the baby you will sooner or later meet steps or curbs that you will have to cross. Also take into account the fact that, as he gets older, the child weighs more and you must be able to lift his weight plus the weight of the stroller.

However, you must keep in mind that a light stroller is easier to handle, transport, store, but it can also have a big minus in terms of stability, there is, in many models, the risk of overturning certain movements of the child. On the other hand, a massive stroller has very high stability, but it will be even harder to transport and handle. Analyze this aspect carefully and choose the solution that suits you best, but do not forget that a good stroller is strong enough to be safe for babies, but not too difficult to handle.

Trolley wheels – a criterion that facilitates movement

In Romania, almost anywhere in the country, it is a real adventure to go for a walk with the cart. There are parts of the road with unevenness everywhere and, in order not to shake the little one, you will have to analyze the wheels of the cart you will buy. It is essential that the wheels are strong and solid, depending on the durability of the trolley as a whole, and when choosing a trolley taking into account the wheels you must take into account aspects related to size, the material from which they are made, and their number.

Large wheels made of rubber or silicone have the role of attenuating shocks, some models being even equipped with suspensions. Thus, the child will be able to sleep very well in the stroller, without being disturbed by the unevenness of the road. The only drawback to larger wheelchairs is that they take up more space, otherwise they only have advantages. If you want a trolley with 3 wheels, you must know how to make a very wise choice, this being among the easiest to handle trolley models.

The accessories of a stroller can make a difference in quality

You will often go shopping with the little one, so a stroller with a roomy basket underneath will bring you extra usefulness. There you will be able to put the child’s things, change of clothes, water toys, diapers so that they don’t carry them in their hands every time they go for a walk or a visit. The storage capacity of the special basket is expressed in kilograms and it is good not to exceed the manufacturer’s recommendations, so as not to affect the strength of the trolley over time. Many strollers are equipped with special bags for children’s things, which have a fastening system directly on the stroller or on its handles.

The support for the glass and the bottle is an accessory that may seem trivial at first, but later you will be convinced of its usefulness. Other essential accessories are the stroller covers (cold weather cover, rain cover), parasol, and insect net, which you can buy separately if they are not included in the price of the stroller, but it would be best for you to buy them completely so that they fit perfectly. Moreover, for the first months of a child’s life, an ideal option is the strollers that can be closed almost completely, which also have a transparent window, especially if you go for a walk in winter.

The covers of the stroller must be made of a material as resistant as possible, as it will have to face repeated exposure to sun and wind. The material must also allow air circulation to avoid the risk of overheating for the child. Keep in mind that you will need to wash them periodically, so choose a model that does not have special cleaning conditions.

The maneuverability of the trolley simplifies the way of use

The stroller is an indispensable accessory, which you will take with you everywhere you go with your child, on vacation, to grandparents, etc. Consequently, you need a practical model that folds easily so that it can be put in the car. Keep in mind that many times you will have the child in your arms, which means that a cart that can be maneuvered with just one hand will prove wonderful in those moments. No matter how important it is for you to have a stroller with a modern and attractive design, it is essential to be easy to handle, otherwise, it will make your walks with your little one a nightmare.

Choose a model that has several folding steps, so the child can stay comfortable at any time, even if he wants to sit on his bottom or wants to sleep. Moreover, keep in mind that as you get older, your baby will have other needs and preferences. If in the first months you will be helped by a stroller with perfectly horizontal folding or very close to this position, you will see that as the child grows he will not want to sit in this position, becoming curious about what he sees around him when going for a walk. Beyond the upper part of the body, the position of the legs is also important, it is recommended that they do not hang. The footrest must also offer the possibility of folding or adjusting depending on the height.

Beyond the comfort of the child, you must also think about your comfort. Of course, a cart that easily takes the corners and with which you can easily climb/descend the low curbs would be helpful. Also, pay close attention to the quality of the handle. For a better grip and handling comfort, you will have to choose a trolley with a handle that is fully or partially lined. Also, it would be ideal for the handle to be adjustable in terms of height so that it can be easily adjusted according to the height of the person handling it.

The reversible handle can be a solution if you want to walk the child with your back to you, to see better around him, but there are times when you want to watch him more closely and turn him facing you.

Trolley folding method

The way it folds is also a factor that you must take into account when choosing the stroller, especially if you have a small space at home or you will need to put it quite often in the trunk of the car. There are trolleys with a folding system that can be tightened with one hand, umbrella-type, or book-type.

As a general idea, the more compact a stroller is, the more modern it is, the ingenious folding systems being of the latest generation. The folding method is very important because a stroller that folds with one hand will seem very comfortable in the situation when you hold the child in the other hand or you are busy with all kinds of other objects. more info to visit:

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