Family Owned Restaurant Possible With Food Processor

Food Processor


I had always wanted to own a restaurant, even since childhood. Nothing crazy or huge or anything that would turn into some giant chain. Just a small place with a small and unique menu. Something that would be a nice unique dining experience for people.

My brother and I both went to culinary school, and we decided that we’d go into business together even against some people’s advice. Our dad is a retired accountant, so he would run the business side of things. We literally started from scratch on our little place.

The place we ended up getting was perfect. Its capacity was about 35 people at a time. The kitchen was relatively small, so we needed to be mindful of what we put in it. We wouldn’t be able to get huge appliances or store too much at once, which would be fine since we were planning a smaller menu, would only be open on weekends, and wouldn’t need to store much anyway.

We made a list of absolute must haves. At the very top of our list was a food processor. We knew it would help us save so much time prepping and it would give us more time to pay attention to the smaller details, which is really what makes a place special.

I set out on doing research to see what would give us our best bang for our buck. I stumbled upon KitchenWorksInc. They sell authentic Cuisinart products. I decided to purchase 2 of the Cuisinart DFP-14BCWNY Food Processors for our little restaurant. The reviews were great and I was already aware that they made good products.

It was a great decision. They didn’t take up a ton of space, and they were just what we needed to prep things. One would be specifically used for prepping food, and the other to prep things for the small list of craft cocktails that we’d be serving.

After a lot of hard work and planning, we had a soft opening followed by a grand opening. It was amazing!! Having a small restaurant with limited space gives people the feeling of exclusivity, which is always a plus.

The food came out phenomenally and the craft cocktails were a big hit as well. Our business has been booming ever since. The food processors are really the stars of the show, because they save us so much time on things that we’d otherwise be spending hours on.

I finally made my dream of owning a small restaurant come true, and it turned out better than I could even imagine. It’s been a wonderful experience and I’m so grateful that I have all the tools I need to be successful.

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