A Comparative Analysis Of SBI Fund Management’s Financial Performance In Last Three Years

SBI Fund


SBI Fund Management is a mutual fund company based in Mumbai. It is also one of the largest asset management firms, founded in 1987 as a joint venture between the State Bank of India(SBI) and Amundi, a French-based asset management company.

From the investment perspective, it is one of the prominent companies which performs well in the unlisted share market. If you want to invest in SBI Fund management pre-IPO shares, this blog will provide complete company details, like SBI Fund Management share price and financial performance in the last three years.

Business Segments of SBI Fund Management Ltd

SBI Fund Management is one of India’s trusted asset management firms with over 32 years of experience. The company consistently delivers value to its investors through mutual funds, portfolio management, and ETF expertise. SBI Fund Management is dedicated to providing innovative and transparent investment management solutions. It received various awards, including Best Fund House(Overall), Best Fund House(Equity), and Best Fund House Debt at the Morning Star Awards 2020.

The company earns its operational revenue via different business segments and caters to the emerging needs of its investors. Before we move to SBI Fund Management’s financial performance, let’s look at its different business segments.

International Investor Solutions

SBI Fund Management has been providing international investor solutions since 1988. It is also the first bank-sponsored asset management firm to launch an off-shore fund and has a proven record in managing and providing guidance to international investors.

Mutual Fund

SBI Fund Management Limited also provides a wide range of mutual fund products via its platform. It also has over 53 open-ended domestic funds that cover various investment strategies. Its products in the business segment include index funds, exchange-traded funds, etc.

ETF Management

The company is also India’s largest ETF manager, providing a wide range of investment solutions across equity, gold, and fixed income. In addition, SBI Fund Management also established a sophisticated infrastructure for the seamless management of ETF suits over the years.

Portfolio Management Services

The company also offers multi-asset segregated portfolio management services that cater to the specific needs of its different clients. It provides these services to the High Net Worth Individuals(HNIs), selected trusts, and institutions. SBI Fund Management has a team of experts who manage the investment portfolio of different classes of clients.

Analysis Of SBI Fund Management’s Last Three years’ Financial Performance

Since you have an overview of the SBI Fund Management for each business segment, it’s time to look at the company’s financial performance in the last three financial years.

Financial Metrics ( Rs. crore) 31 March 2023 31 March 2022 31 March 2021
Net Revenue 2297 1952 1607
Operating Cost 600 531 443
Depreciation 33.8 33.17 31
Profit After Tax (PAT) 1340 1083 860
EBITDA 1697 1432 1164
Finance Cost 5.2 4.42 3.98
Profit for the Period 1331 1071 860
Other Income 115 42.6 10.60

As you can see from the above table, SBI Fund Management’s financial performance in the last three years has improved. The company recorded a positive growth in net revenue from 2021 to 2023, which increased from Rs 1,607 crore to Rs 2,297 crore. Apart from this, the PAT of the company also increased during this period, which increased to Rs 1340 crore from Rs 860 crore. In other financial metrics, SBI Fund Management consistently shows growth and gives positive signs about its long-term growth.

However, we also need to analyse the SBI Fund Management share price over the years. If you are looking for a long-term investment in the company, SBI Fund Management pre-IPO shares emerged as profitable. Its share price was Rs 812 in October 2022, which increased to Rs 918 in March 2023. However, SBI Fund Management share price started increasing again in June 2023 and exceeded the 1200 price point.

As per the fresh market data, SBI Fund Management is currently traded at Rs 1204 per equity share. You must understand that the share price of SBI Fund Management unlisted shares depends on factors like the company’s current performance and keeps changing. That’s why you should monitor the share price and assess its history before investing.

Plan Your Investment In SBI Fund Management Pre-IPO Shares

If you want to diversify your investment portfolio, we suggest buying unlisted SBI Fund Management shares. We hope you have a clear understanding about the company’s different business segments and financial performance now., if you need more information on SBI Fund Management, you can visit Stockify.

It is the best unlisted shares broking platform in India, which allows investors to buy or sell unlisted shares online. Here, you will get access to the updated SBI Fund Management share price, annual reports, and other information. Ready to buy unlisted shares of SBI Fund Management? Visit Stockify and start your investment journey.

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