5 Useful Tips on Choosing a Perfect Domain for Your Website

Perfect Domain


A website with a domain is easily identified on the Internet. A domain is a website’s unique name or address that the user can use to find a particular website on the web in a user-friendly manner. Whether you are running a startup, small or large business,you need a website to promote your product or service online. Modern businesses need a strong online presence to compete in the global market. With websites having distinctive domains, they can attract target customers.

Your prospective customers identify your business online through a domain name. Hence, a domain has to convey a lot about your business and brand. This makes choosing an appropriate name for your website a little difficult. Moreover, among two billion websites on the Internet, your business website should be located by your customers, which is not possible if your domain name is not creative and distinct.

A domain is registered every five seconds. Finding a name that includes information about   your business or brand is important. Here are some tips and tricks for choosing a domain wisely. When you have your desired domain, find a reliable registrar who can help you register it and provide other related services.

1. Use a name that is short and easy to communicate

Your domain name should be a cool one that it should be easily found on the Internet. The name should be easy to communicate and short to enable someone to type on the browser without confusion and find it. To keep it simple use a name that is catchy. For instance, ‘BIC’, which is a pen company and has a name after its founder Marvel Bich. The letter ‘h’ was dropped to avoid misspelling and mispronunciation.

In case you have a name that is different from your business name, it may confuse people, for they wouldn’t know that the website belongs to you. If possible, you can use strong keywords related to your industry or niche area. This can help improve your rankings on the search engine results.

2. Use keyword combinations that related to your business or niche market

If your domain name is something that is not related to your business, it may be difficult for your customers to find you. Using strong keywords that relate your niche area or specific industry will help the visitors know what your website is about. The other advantage of having keyword combinations in your website is people can find you on the search engine by typing a word that is relevant to an industry, business or product. However, you need to be careful about combining keywords. If it is not memorable or difficult to pronounce, the whole idea of having it is a waste.

3. Avoid symbols, numbers and hyphens

Your domain name should be free of any punctuations or symbols, for the system does not allow it. Also, avoid using number or hyphens because they can confuse anyone while typing a domain address.

4. Use a suitable domain name extension

Like a domain, you also need an appropriate domain extension. Most companies try to have ‘.com’ as it helps them have a global presence. You can either choose from generic top-level domains (TLDs) such as .com, .net, .info, .org, .biz, and. Club or country-code TLDs, which include .uk, .co.uk, .com.uk, .eu, and so on. With country-code TLDs, you can attract local markets.

5. Buy most of your domain variants

When you register your domain, try to find out the variants and buy them too. For instance, you may find your domain in .uk extension; if there are .co.uk and .com.uk versions, you can buy them too. This will save you from anyone having a competing site and diverting your traffic to their website.

With all the above tips, you can have a perfect website name, but with a dependable web hosting provider, you can find the most appropriatedomains for your business.

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